Cracow, Poland
O c t o b e r  27 - 29, 2003

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Guidelines for MS Word Users

itemsize, formatting and spacing
fonttimes new roman
line spacingsingle
text width122mm
text height193mm
title of the paper16pt, bold, centered
distance between the title and authors7mm (+12pt)
authors9pt, centered
references to affiliations of authors6pt, superscript, numbers
affiliations9pt, centered
distance between affiliations and abstract14mm (+36pt)
abstract heading9pt, bold, centered, "Abstract"
abstract body9pt, justified, no indent, text width: 100mm
normal text10pt, justified, paragraph indent: 5mm, no additional space between paragraphs, text width: 122mm
section heading12pt, bold, numbering: 1, 2, 3, 4,..., no point after section number, distance between section number and section title: 5mm
subsection heading10pt, bold, numbering: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4,..., no point after subsection number, distance between subsection number and section title: 5mm
picture label10pt, below the picture, centered, numbering: Fig 1:, Fig 2:, ...
bibliography heading12pt, bold, left aligned, "References", space before and after heading: 7mm (+12pt)
bibliography item9pt, indent: 5mm, numbering (not indented): 1., 2., 3., 4.,..., no additional spaces between bibliography items

How to submit the paper:

Please send your paper in a MS Word file:   Last-name_First-name.doc
as an attachement to the