Krakow, Poland
N o v e m b e r  4-6, 2013

V e n u e

CGW'13 will start on Monday, November 4, at 9.00, in the main building of the AGH University of Science and Technology (Venue 1).

At the beginning of the lunch break, the conference participants will walk to the second conference venue Department of Computer Science (Venue 2), located within the same University campus. In this building the lunch will be served and the conference will continue until the end on Wednesday afternoon (November 6).

  Venue 1 (only Monday morning)   Venue 2 (from Monday afternoon)  
AGH University of Science
and Technology,
Mickiewicza 30 Ave.

Building A-0, 1st floor
AGH University of Science
and Technology,
Kawiory 21 St.,

Building D-17, Department of
Computer Science, ground floor

How to get there... (see a map)


  • by bus No. 292 to the stop called "AGH", opposite the main entrance
    of the A-0 building (A-292 mark on the map), and
  • by taxi - travel time: app. 30 min, travel cost: app. 70 PLN


  • by bus No. 179 to the stop called "AGH", about 200 m from the A-0 building
    (A-179 mark on the map)

How to get from the Building A-0 to the Building D-17 "INFORMATYKA"...
(see a map)
  • Exit the A-0 building and turn right
  • Go straight 50 m and turn right into the Reymonta St.
  • Go straight 700 m and turn right into the Miechowska St.
  • Go straight 220 m and turn left into the Nawojki St.
  • Go straight 150 m and you will see the building on your left


AGH University of Science and Technology
AGH University of Science
and Technology
ACC Cyfronet AGH
ACC Cyfronet AGH
Department of Computer Science AGH

Department of Computer
Science AGH