
Tadeusz Sozański: Publications

The full list of my publications is given in the Polish version of my CV. I have selected the papers for the list that is given below so as to show the best of what - in my opinion - I have published over 45 years of my scholarly activity. If you ask me to pick just few items to be attached with a short biographical note, I will point out 7 mathematical papers (2014, 2006, 1997, 1994a, 1992, 1980, 1976) and 1 experimental (1993b), as well as the book (2013), which shows the other pole of my research interests (see Miscellanea), different from mathematical theory and experimental investigations of exchange networks (2006, 1997, 1993a, 1993b), my main research area since early 1990s. My long work in that area is still waiting for being crowned with publishing a book (The Mathematics of Exchange Networks). While it still remains unfinished, I owe my promotion to the second academic degree (habilitation) to another book, The book, which appeared in 2013, is a dissertation in traditional humanities.

Before I got engaged in network exchange theorizing I had been active in two other areas of mathematical sociology: (1) the theory of signed graphs and its applications in the social sciences (1981, 1980, 1976); (2) social combinatorics and structural models (1994a, 1992, 1987, 1986,1985). Later I got involved in: (3) the theory voting games (2014, 2010). The list contains 2 co-authored papers. Due to one of them (1998a) I've got Erdős number of 7 through the following chain: Skvoretz-Fararo-Doreian-Batagelj-Gutman-Harary-Erdős.

TS, May 2007, January 2008, October 2010, October 2012, September 2013, June 2015, May 2018



Społeczne i wspólne. Studium socjologiczno-filologiczne [The Social and the Common. A Sociologico-Philological Study]. Kraków 2013: Universitas, 281 pages,



Struktura, wymiana, władza. Studia z socjologii teoretycznej [Structure, Exchange and Power. Studies in Theoretical Sociology. In Polish]. With Jacek Szmatka as 2nd editor and Marian Kempny as 3rd editor. Warszawa 1993: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN [Warsaw 1993: Publishing House of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences].


(to get a pdf copy of each paper, just contact me by email)


Experimental Social Science. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Sociologica VIII vol. 1 (special issue S Selected Topics in Experimental Social Science edited by the author), 5-42.


The Conception of Blocking Power as a Key to the Understanding of the History of Designing Voting Systems for the EU Council. Decyzje 22 (2014/2), 5-46.


The Blocking Power in Voting Systems. Pp. 75–92 in Institutional Design and Voting Power in the European Union. Ed. by Marek A. Cichocki and Karol Życzkowski. Farnham, Surrey, England 2010: Ashgate.


On the Core of Characteristic Function Games Associated with Exchange Networks. Social Networks 28 (2006): 397-426.


a. Sieć społeczna [Social Network]. Pp. 28-36 in Encyklopedia Socjologii [Encyclopedia of Sociology], vol. IV. Warszawa 2002: Wydawnictwo Oficyna Naukowa.

bSocjologia matematyczna [Mathematical Sociology]. Pp. 73-79 in Encyklopedia Socjologii [Encyclopedia of Sociology], vol. IV. Warszawa 2002: Wydawnictwo Oficyna Naukowa.


aConflict in Networks. With Jacek Szmatka as 1st author, John Skvoretz as 2nd author, and Joanna Mazur (now Heidtman) as 4th author. Sociological Perspectives 41 (1998): 49-66.

bSocjologia teoretyczna jako nauka normalna [Sociology as a Normal Science]. Studia Socjologiczne 1998 no. 4 (151): 5-38.


Toward a Formal Theory of Equilibrium in Network Exchange Systems. Pp. 303-350 in Status, Network, and Structure. Theory Development in Group Processes. Ed. by Jacek Szmatka, John Skvoretz, and Joseph Berger. Stanford 1997: Stanford University Press.


Co to jest nauka? [What is science?]. Pp. 23-50 in Nauka. Tożsamość i tradycja [Science. Identity and Tradition]. Edited by J. Goćkowski and S. Marmuszewski. Kraków 1995: Universitas.


aAnaliza strukturalna konfliktu interesów w elementarnych systemach społecznych [Structural Analysis of Conflict of Interests in Elementary Social Systems]. Studia Socjologiczne 1994 no. 3-4 (134-135): 123-171.

bOn Four Myths of Sociology and Three Generations of Sociological Theories. With Jacek Szmatka as 1st author. Polish Sociological Review 1994 no. 3(107): 219-233.


aPróba formalizacji sieciowej teorii wymiany [A Tentative Formalization of Network Exchange Theory]. Pp. 149-193 in Struktura, wymiana, władza. Studia... [Structure, Exchange, and Power. Studies...]

bHierarchiczne systemy wymian. Powtórzenie eksperymentu Davida Willera [Hierarchical Exchange Systems. A Replication of an Experiment by David Willer]. Pp. 233-271 in Struktura, wymiana, władza. Studia...[Structure, Exchange, and Power. Studies...].


A Combinatorial Theory of Minimal Social Situations. Journal of Mathematical Sociology 17 (1992): 105-125.


Strukturalna klasyfikacja minimalnych sytuacji społecznych [Structural Classification of Minimal Social Situations]. Studia Socjologiczne 1987 no. 3-4 (106-107): 155-175.


O pojęciu struktury w socjologii i w matematyce. Grafy jako modele całości społecznych [On the Notion of Structure in Sociology and Mathematics. Graphs as Models of Social Wholes]. Studia Socjologiczne 1986 no. 2 (101): 111-134.


Struktura i strukturalizm w matematyce a kierunek strukturalistyczny w naukach społecznych [Structure and Structuralism in Mathematics and the Structuralist Orientation in the Social Sciences]. Studia Filozoficzne 1985 no. 8-9 (237-238): 115-129.


Zmiany strukturalne a proces polaryzacji społeczeństwa [Structural Change and the Polarization Process in a Society]. Pp. 163-202 in Elementy socjologii dialektycznej [Elements of Dialectical Sociology]. Ed. by Piotr Sztompka. Poznań 1981: PWN Publishers.


Enumeration of Weak Isomorphism Classes of Signed Graphs. Journal of Graph Theory 4 (1980) no. 2, 127-144.


Measures of Association for Nominal Variables. Pp. 247-255 in Problems of Formalization in the Social Sciences. Ed. by Klemens Szaniawski. Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków-Gdańsk 1977: Ossolineum.


Processus d'équilibration et sous-graphes équilibrés d'un graphe signé complet. [Balancing Process and Balanced Subgraphs of a Complete Signed Graph]. Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines 14 (1976), no. 55: 25-36.


Światopogląd studentów - próba charakterystyki na podstawie empirycznych badań socjologicznych [Students' Philosophical Beliefs: A Tentative Description Based on Empirical Sociological Research]. Zeszyty Naukowe UJ: Prace Socjologiczne [series published by the Jagiellonian University Press] 1974 z. 2 [issue 2]: 35-52.
