The Electro-Acoustic Music Studio

The Electro-Acoustic Music Studio in the Academy of Music, Cracow, is one of the most
important centres in Poland. On a par with the Experimental Polish Radio Studio in Warsaw
it is a centre for electronic music. Since 1974 regular educational work in the studio has begun under the direction of Jozef Patkowski. It takes the form of collective lessons
(seminars on electronic music) and individual sessions with an active practitioner.
The studio stands as an excellent workshop for students of Composition, Conducting and Theory
of Music, providing possibilities of attaining experience in electroacoustic music.
Besides the work of student composers, here originate pieces by Polish and foreign authors and also
music for theatre, film and radio.
Other forms of Studio activities include: - series of concerts organized under the title - Electronic Music;
in the years 1976 - 1994 over 60 concerts took place in which approximately 200 compositions were
presented from the world heritage of electroacoustic music
and other distinguished pieces by students of the Academy;
- cooperation with communities abroad; at the invitation of the Studio, seminars were given by:
K. Austin, R. Berger, L.G. Bodin, Ch. Dodge, J. Duris, L. Hiller, PA. Jaffrennou, W. Jentzsch, D. Kientzy,
W. Kotonski, S. Krupowicz, D. Mason, Y. Orlarey, D. Teruggii, I. Xenakis, P Zinovieff, A. Zmecek.
The turning point in the history of the studio was the donation in 1989 by the American Fulbright
Foundation, of computer music equipment (based on the Macintosh/MIDI system) and the financing
of lectures by specialists of computer music: Dr. Richard Boulanger (Berklee College of
Music-Boston), Dr. Ira Mowitz (Stanford University), Dr. Cindy McTee and Rodney Oakes. Since 1990, thanks to the Swiss Stendal Foundation studio equipment was enlarged by further
accessories (Atari Computer and digital music accessories).
In 1991, the Studio initiated and organized, in collaboration with the Warsaw Academy of Music,
annual Courses for Computer Music as an additional educational project:
Cracow 1991, Warsaw 1992, Katowice 1993 and Warsaw 1994.
Currently Electro-Acoustic Music Studio in the Academy of Music, Cracow, is one of the most
important centres of its kind in Poland.

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