Cracow School of the Theory of Music

As with the composers, the theorists associated with the Cracow Academy of Music formed a particularily
active working team, under the presidence of Mieczysˆaw Tomaszewski - one of the most distinguished figures
in Polish musicology, author of many publications in the field of theory of music and animator of the scholarly
life of the Academy. It was precisely his initiative that gave rise to a new Institute of Music Analysis
and Interpretation and class for Music Editing, documenting the activities of the school and its ensembles.
The focus and problems of the work of the Cracow theorists act in part as reference for all studies
of music, encompassing the following subjects and areas:

- Music in the context of culture,
- The history and theory of analytical work, integral analysis,
- The theory and history of word-setting,
- Genres and forms in the classical and romantic periods,
- Polish contemporary music,
- Lithuanian contemporary music,
- Global postmodernism.

The comprehensive new model discipline, in line with contemporary tendencies in the world, decided the
designation of group of theorists from the Academy of Music as the Cracow School of Theory represented by:
Regina Chlopicka, Krzysztof Droba, Malgorzata Janicka-Slysz, Roman Kowal, Teresa Malecka,
Ewa Mizerska-Golonek, Anna Oberc, Leszek Polony, Jozef Rychlik, Ewa Siemdaj, Krzysztof Szwajgier,
Mieczyslaw Tomaszewski, Joanna Wnuk-Nazarowa.
Members of the Institute organize a number of theoretical seminars, such as a series dedicated
to the problems of vocal music (International Symposium "European Solo Song") as well as sessions relating
to contemporary music (International Symposium "Krzysztof Penderecki. The Music and Its Reception",
five Polish-Lithuanian Musicological Conferences).
A series of music workshops in Baranow Sandomierski took place (the principle subject was music
in the context of culture) in 1976-1981 and the festival "Young Musicians for a Young Town"
was organized in Stalowa Wola in 1975-1979.
The work of Institutes dealing with research projects bears fruit in yearly publications of the Academy -
reviews and student handbooks. The most representative of those is the series "Music and Lyric", dealing with
history and theory of the song (six volumes have appeared so far),
a series of handbooks "Introductio Musicae"
and works on modern Polish music, such as The Cracow School of Composers 1888-1988
and Mieczyslaw Tomaszewski's Krzysztof Penderecki and His Music. Four Essays.

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